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MRE11A / MRE11

MRE11 meiotic recombination 11 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)

Component of the MRN complex, which plays a central role in double-strand break (DSB) repair, DNA recombination, maintenance of telomere integrity and meiosis. The complex possesses single-strand endonuclease activity and double-strand-specific 3'-5' exonuclease activity, which are provided by MRE11A. RAD50 may be required to bind DNA ends and hold them in close proximity. This could facilitate searches for short or long regions of sequence homology in the recombining DNA templates, and may also stimulate the activity of DNA ligases and/or restrict the nuclease activity of MRE11A to prevent nucleolytic degradation past a given point. The complex may also be required for DNA damage signaling via activation of the ATM kinase. In telomeres the MRN complex may modulate t-loop formation.

Gene Name: MRE11 meiotic recombination 11 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
Synonyms: MRE11A, AT-like disease, Endo/exonuclease Mre11, HNGS1, MRE11, MRE11 homolog 1, MRE11 homolog A, MRE11B, ATLD
Target Sequences: NM_005591 NP_005582.1 P49959

Publications (88)

Metabolism of recombination coding ends in scid cells. Brown ML, Chang Y. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 2000 164:4135-42. (WB; Mouse) [PubMed:10754308]
BASC, a super complex of BRCA1-associated proteins involved in the recognition and repair of aberrant DNA structures. Wang Y, Cortez D, Yazdi P, Neff N, Elledge SJ, Qin J. Genes & development. 2000 14:927-39. (ICC, IHC, WB, IP; Human) [PubMed:10783165] [PMC:PMC316544]
Polymerase eta deficiency in the xeroderma pigmentosum variant uncovers an overlap between the S phase checkpoint and double-strand break repair. Limoli CL, Giedzinski E, Morgan WF, Cleaver JE. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2000 97:7939-46. (ICC; Human) [PubMed:10859352] [PMC:PMC16649]
NBS1 and TRF1 colocalize at promyelocytic leukemia bodies during late S/G2 phases in immortalized telomerase-negative cells. Implication of NBS1 in alternative lengthening of telomeres. Wu G, Lee WH, Chen PL. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2000 275:30618-22. (IP; Human) [PubMed:10913111]
The forkhead-associated domain of NBS1 is essential for nuclear foci formation after irradiation but not essential for hRAD50[middle dot]hMRE11[middle dot]NBS1 complex DNA repair activity. Tauchi H, Kobayashi J, Morishima K, Matsuura S, Nakamura A, Shiraishi T, Ito E, Masnada D, Delia D, Komatsu K. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2001 276:5-Dec. (ICC, WB; Chicken) [PubMed:11062235]
UV-induced replication arrest in the xeroderma pigmentosum variant leads to DNA double-strand breaks, gamma -H2AX formation, and Mre11 relocalization. Limoli CL, Giedzinski E, Bonner WM, Cleaver JE. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2002 99:233-8. (ICC; Human) [PubMed:11756691] [PMC:PMC117544]
PML NBs associate with the hMre11 complex and p53 at sites of irradiation induced DNA damage. Carbone R, Pearson M, Minucci S, Pelicci PG. Oncogene. 2002 21:1633-40. [PubMed:11896594]
Bloom's syndrome protein is required for correct relocalization of RAD50/MRE11/NBS1 complex after replication fork arrest. Franchitto A, Pichierri P. The Journal of cell biology. 2002 157:19-30. (ICC, WB, IP; Human) [PubMed:11916980] [PMC:PMC2173275]
Role of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in DNA-PKcs- independent V(D)J recombination. Brown ML, Franco D, Burkle A, Chang Y. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2002 99:4532-7. [PubMed:11930007] [PMC:PMC123682]
SV40 large T-antigen disturbs the formation of nuclear DNA-repair foci containing MRE11. Digweed M, Demuth I, Rothe S, Scholz R, Jordan A, Grtzinger C, Schindler D, Grompe M, Sperling K. Oncogene. 2002 21:4873-8. (ICC; Human) [PubMed:12118365]
NBS1 localizes to gamma-H2AX foci through interaction with the FHA/BRCT domain. Kobayashi J, Tauchi H, Sakamoto S, Nakamura A, Morishima K, Matsuura S, Kobayashi T, Tamai K, Tanimoto K, Komatsu K. Current biology : CB. 2002 12:1846-51. [PubMed:12419185]
DNA replication arrest in XP variant cells after UV exposure is diverted into an Mre11-dependent recombination pathway by the kinase inhibitor wortmannin. Limoli CL, Laposa R, Cleaver JE. Mutation research. 2002 510:121-9. [PubMed:12459448]
Evidence for a direct association of hMRE11 with the human mismatch repair protein hMLH1. Her C, Vo AT, Wu X. DNA repair. 2002 1:719-29. [PubMed:12509276]
Polymerase eta and p53 jointly regulate cell survival, apoptosis and Mre11 recombination during S phase checkpoint arrest after UV irradiation. Cleaver JE, Bartholomew J, Char D, Crowley E, Feeney L, Limoli CL. DNA repair. 2002 1:41-57. [PubMed:12509296]
Phosphorylation of histone H2AX and activation of Mre11, Rad50, and Nbs1 in response to replication-dependent DNA double-strand breaks induced by mammalian DNA topoisomerase I cleavage complexes. Furuta T, Takemura H, Liao ZY, Aune GJ, Redon C, Sedelnikova OA, Pilch DR, Rogakou EP, Celeste A, Chen HT, Nussenzweig A, Aladjem MI, Bonner WM, Pommier Y. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2003 278:20303-12. (WB; Human) [PubMed:12660252]
Nibrin forkhead-associated domain and breast cancer C-terminal domain are both required for nuclear focus formation and phosphorylation. Cerosaletti KM, Concannon P. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2003 278:21944-51. (ICC, WB, IP; Human) [PubMed:12679336]
Deficient regulation of DNA double-strand break repair in Fanconi anemia fibroblasts. Donahue SL, Lundberg R, Saplis R, Campbell C. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2003 278:29487-95. (WB; Human) [PubMed:12748186]
Telomere maintenance and cell cycle regulation in spontaneously immortalized T-cell lines from Nijmegen breakage syndrome patients. Siwicki JK, Degerman S, Chrzanowska KH, Roos G. Experimental cell research. 2003 287:178-89. (WB, IP, Flo; Human) [PubMed:12799193]
Distinct pathways of nonhomologous end joining that are differentially regulated by DNA-dependent protein kinase-mediated phosphorylation. Udayakumar D, Bladen CL, Hudson FZ, Dynan WS. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2003 278:41631-5. (WB; Human) [PubMed:12917393]
Senescing human cells and ageing mice accumulate DNA lesions with unrepairable double-strand breaks. Sedelnikova OA, Horikawa I, Zimonjic DB, Popescu NC, Bonner WM, Barrett JC. Nature cell biology. 2004 6:168-70. (Mouse) [PubMed:14755273]
Notch and Schwann cell transformation. Li Y, Rao PK, Wen R, Song Y, Muir D, Wallace P, van Horne SJ, Tennekoon GI, Kadesch T. Oncogene. 2004 23:1146-52. (Human) [PubMed:14762442]
Linkage between Werner syndrome protein and the Mre11 complex via Nbs1. Cheng WH, von Kobbe C, Opresko PL, Arthur LM, Komatsu K, Seidman MM, Carney JP, Bohr VA. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2004 279:21169-76. (ICC, WB, IP; Human) [PubMed:15026416]
Expression of the adenovirus E4 34k oncoprotein inhibits repair of double strand breaks in the cellular genome of a 293-based inducible cell line. Mohammadi ES, Ketner EA, Johns DC, Ketner G. Nucleic acids research. 2004 32:2652-9. (ICC, WB, Flo; Human) [PubMed:15141036] [PMC:PMC419473]
Replication protein A and the Mre11.Rad50.Nbs1 complex co-localize and interact at sites of stalled replication forks. Robison JG, Elliott J, Dixon K, Oakley GG. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2004 279:34802-10. [PubMed:15180989]
A Rad50-dependent pathway of DNA repair is deficient in Fanconi anemia fibroblasts. Donahue SL, Campbell C. Nucleic acids research. 2004 32:3248-57. (Human) [PubMed:15199173] [PMC:PMC434453]
Independent roles for nibrin and Mre11-Rad50 in the activation and function of Atm. Cerosaletti K, Concannon P. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2004 279:38813-9. (ICC, WB; Human) [PubMed:15234984]
Both BC-box motifs of adenovirus protein E4orf6 are required to efficiently assemble an E3 ligase complex that degrades p53. Blanchette P, Cheng CY, Yan Q, Ketner G, Ornelles DA, Dobner T, Conaway RC, Conaway JW, Branton PE. Molecular and cellular biology. 2004 24:9619-29. [PubMed:15485928] [PMC:PMC522240]
Nibrin functions in Ig class-switch recombination. Kracker S, Bergmann Y, Demuth I, Frappart PO, Hildebrand G, Christine R, Wang ZQ, Sperling K, Digweed M, Radbruch A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2005 102:1584-9. (Mouse) [PubMed:15668383] [PMC:PMC547877]
Mdm2 binds to Nbs1 at sites of DNA damage and regulates double strand break repair. Alt JR, Bouska A, Fernandez MR, Cerny RL, Xiao H, Eischen CM. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2005 280:18771-81. (ICC, WB; Human) [PubMed:15734743]
Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) with neurological abnormalities and without chromosomal instability. Seemanov E, Sperling K, Neitzel H, Varon R, Hadac J, Butova O, Schrck E, Seeman P, Digweed M. Journal of medical genetics. 2006 43:218-24. [PubMed:16033915] [PMC:PMC2563240]
Physical and functional interaction between hMSH5 and c-Abl. Yi W, Lee TH, Tompkins JD, Zhu F, Wu X, Her C. Cancer research. 2006 66:151-8. [PubMed:16397227]
Mild Nijmegen breakage syndrome phenotype due to alternative splicing. Varon R, Dutrannoy V, Weikert G, Tanzarella C, Antoccia A, Stckl L, Spadoni E, Krger LA, di Masi A, Sperling K, Digweed M, Maraschio P. Human molecular genetics. 2006 15:679-89. [PubMed:16415040]
Rapid activation of ATR by ionizing radiation requires ATM and Mre11. Myers JS, Cortez D. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2006 281:9346-50. [PubMed:16431910] [PMC:PMC1821075]
Active role for nibrin in the kinetics of atm activation. Cerosaletti K, Wright J, Concannon P. Molecular and cellular biology. 2006 26:1691-9. [PubMed:16478990] [PMC:PMC1430256]
Spatial organization of the mammalian genome surveillance machinery in response to DNA strand breaks. Bekker-Jensen S, Lukas C, Kitagawa R, Melander F, Kastan MB, Bartek J, Lukas J. The Journal of cell biology. 2006 173:195-206. (ICC; Human) [PubMed:16618811] [PMC:PMC2063811]
Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex is activated by hypertonicity. Sheen MR, Kim SW, Jung JY, Ahn JY, Rhee JG, Kwon HM, Woo SK. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology. 2006 291:F1014-20. [PubMed:16788144]
Cancer incidence in Nijmegen breakage syndrome is modulated by the amount of a variant NBS protein. Krger L, Demuth I, Neitzel H, Varon R, Sperling K, Chrzanowska KH, Seemanova E, Digweed M. Carcinogenesis. 2007 28:107-11. [PubMed:16840438]
Defective Mre11-dependent activation of Chk2 by ataxia telangiectasia mutated in colorectal carcinoma cells in response to replication-dependent DNA double strand breaks. Takemura H, Rao VA, Sordet O, Furuta T, Miao ZH, Meng L, Zhang H, Pommier Y. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2006 281:30814-23. [PubMed:16905549]
Dimerization of the Rad50 protein is independent of the conserved hook domain. Cahill D, Carney JP. Mutagenesis. 2007 22:269-74. [PubMed:17426050]
Disruption of telomere maintenance by depletion of the MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 complex in cells that use alternative lengthening of telomeres. Zhong ZH, Jiang WQ, Cesare AJ, Neumann AA, Wadhwa R, Reddel RR. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2007 282:29314-22. (WB) [PubMed:17693401]
ATR pathway is the primary pathway for activating G2/M checkpoint induction after re-replication. Lin JJ, Dutta A. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2007 282:30357-62. [PubMed:17716975]
RIDDLE immunodeficiency syndrome is linked to defects in 53BP1-mediated DNA damage signaling. Stewart GS, Stankovic T, Byrd PJ, Wechsler T, Miller ES, Huissoon A, Drayson MT, West SC, Elledge SJ, Taylor AM. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2007 104:16910-5. [PubMed:17940005] [PMC:PMC2040433]
Control of mRNA export by adenovirus E4orf6 and E1B55K proteins during productive infection requires E4orf6 ubiquitin ligase activity. Blanchette P, Kindsmller K, Groitl P, Dallaire F, Speiseder T, Branton PE, Dobner T. Journal of virology. 2008 82:2642-51. [PubMed:18184699] [PMC:PMC2258987]
Ataxia telangiectasia-mutated damage-signaling kinase- and proteasome-dependent destruction of Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 subunits in Simian virus 40-infected primate cells. Zhao X, Madden-Fuentes RJ, Lou BX, Pipas JM, Gerhardt J, Rigell CJ, Fanning E. Journal of virology. 2008 82:5316-28. [PubMed:18353955] [PMC:PMC2395194]
A role for E1B-AP5 in ATR signaling pathways during adenovirus infection. Blackford AN, Bruton RK, Dirlik O, Stewart GS, Taylor AM, Dobner T, Grand RJ, Turnell AS. Journal of virology. 2008 82:7640-52. [PubMed:18480432] [PMC:PMC2493339]
Cellular proteins PML and Daxx mediate an innate antiviral defense antagonized by the adenovirus E4 ORF3 protein. Ullman AJ, Hearing P. Journal of virology. 2008 82:7325-35. [PubMed:18480450] [PMC:PMC2493301]
Mdm2 promotes genetic instability and transformation independent of p53. Bouska A, Lushnikova T, Plaza S, Eischen CM. Molecular and cellular biology. 2008 28:4862-74. [PubMed:18541670] [PMC:PMC2493369]
Transcription-coupled DNA double-strand breaks are mediated via the nucleotide excision repair and the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex. Guirouilh-Barbat J, Redon C, Pommier Y. Molecular biology of the cell. 2008 19:3969-81. [PubMed:18632984] [PMC:PMC2526702]
ATM and the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex respond to nucleoside analogue-induced stalled replication forks and contribute to drug resistance. Ewald B, Sampath D, Plunkett W. Cancer research. 2008 68:7947-55. [PubMed:18829552] [PMC:PMC2631429]
ATM activation and signaling under hypoxic conditions. Bencokova Z, Kaufmann MR, Pires IM, Lecane PS, Giaccia AJ, Hammond EM. Molecular and cellular biology. 2009 29:526-37. [PubMed:18981219] [PMC:PMC2612523]
Rapid flow cytometry-based structural maintenance of chromosomes 1 (SMC1) phosphorylation assay for identification of ataxia-telangiectasia homozygotes and heterozygotes. Nahas SA, Butch AW, Du L, Gatti RA. Clinical chemistry. 2009 55:463-72. [PubMed:19147735] [PMC:PMC2980758]
Inactivation of the Nijmegen breakage syndrome gene leads to excess centrosome duplication via the ATR/BRCA1 pathway. Shimada M, Sagae R, Kobayashi J, Habu T, Komatsu K. Cancer research. 2009 69:1768-75. [PubMed:19244116]
Temporal regulation of the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex during adenovirus infection. Karen KA, Hoey PJ, Young CS, Hearing P. Journal of virology. 2009 83:4565-73. [PubMed:19244322] [PMC:PMC2668508]
A mouse PRMT1 null allele defines an essential role for arginine methylation in genome maintenance and cell proliferation. Yu Z, Chen T, Hbert J, Li E, Richard S. Molecular and cellular biology. 2009 29:2982-96. [PubMed:19289494] [PMC:PMC2681996]
Identification of integrin alpha3 as a new substrate of the adenovirus E4orf6/E1B 55-kilodalton E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. Dallaire F, Blanchette P, Groitl P, Dobner T, Branton PE. Journal of virology. 2009 83:5329-38. [PubMed:19297475] [PMC:PMC2681983]
Deficiency of the DNA repair enzyme ATM in rheumatoid arthritis. Shao L, Fujii H, Colmegna I, Oishi H, Goronzy JJ, Weyand CM. The Journal of experimental medicine. 2009 206:1435-49. [PubMed:19451263] [PMC:PMC2715066]
A 49-kilodalton isoform of the adenovirus type 5 early region 1B 55-kilodalton protein is sufficient to support virus replication. Kindsmller K, Schreiner S, Leinenkugel F, Groitl P, Kremmer E, Dobner T. Journal of virology. 2009 83:9045-56. [PubMed:19587039] [PMC:PMC2738261]
A proteomic approach to identify candidate substrates of human adenovirus E4orf6-E1B55K and other viral cullin-based E3 ubiquitin ligases. Dallaire F, Blanchette P, Branton PE. Journal of virology. 2009 83:12172-84. [PubMed:19759146] [PMC:PMC2786712]
Differential cellular responses to prolonged LDR-IR in MLH1-proficient and MLH1-deficient colorectal cancer HCT116 cells. Yan T, Seo Y, Kinsella TJ. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2009 15:6912-20. [PubMed:19861440] [PMC:PMC2783277]
Biological dose estimation of UVA laser microirradiation utilizing charged particle-induced protein foci. Splinter J, Jakob B, Lang M, Yano K, Engelhardt J, Hell SW, Chen DJ, Durante M, Taucher-Scholz G. Mutagenesis. 2010 25:289-97. (ICC; Human) [PubMed:20167590] [PMC:PMC2902920]
Proteasome-dependent degradation of Daxx by the viral E1B-55K protein in human adenovirus-infected cells. Schreiner S, Wimmer P, Sirma H, Everett RD, Blanchette P, Groitl P, Dobner T. Journal of virology. 2010 84:7029-38. [PubMed:20484509] [PMC:PMC2898266]
The E4orf6/E1B55K E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes of human adenoviruses exhibit heterogeneity in composition and substrate specificity. Cheng CY, Gilson T, Dallaire F, Ketner G, Branton PE, Blanchette P. Journal of virology. 2011 85:765-75. [PubMed:21068234] [PMC:PMC3020000]
Two unrelated patients with MRE11A mutations and Nijmegen breakage syndrome-like severe microcephaly. Matsumoto Y, Miyamoto T, Sakamoto H, Izumi H, Nakazawa Y, Ogi T, Tahara H, Oku S, Hiramoto A, Shiiki T, Fujisawa Y, Ohashi H, Sakemi Y, Matsuura S. DNA repair. 2011 10:314-21. [PubMed:21227757]
Astrocyte dysfunction associated with cerebellar attrition in a Nijmegen breakage syndrome animal model. Galron R, Gruber R, Lifshitz V, Lu H, Kirshner M, Ziv N, Wang ZQ, Shiloh Y, Barzilai A, Frenkel D. Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN. 2011 45:202-11. (ICC, IHC, IHC-P; Mouse) [PubMed:21279473]
The BRCA1-RAP80 complex regulates DNA repair mechanism utilization by restricting end resection. Coleman KA, Greenberg RA. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2011 286:13669-80. [PubMed:21335604] [PMC:PMC3075711]
Restoration of G1 chemo/radioresistance and double-strand-break repair proficiency by wild-type but not endonuclease-deficient Artemis. Mohapatra S, Kawahara M, Khan IS, Yannone SM, Povirk LF. Nucleic acids research. 2011 39:6500-10. (ICC; Human) [PubMed:21531702] [PMC:PMC3159448]
The E3 ubiquitin ligase activity associated with the adenoviral E1B-55K-E4orf6 complex does not require CRM1-dependent export. Schmid M, Kindsmller K, Wimmer P, Groitl P, Gonzalez RA, Dobner T. Journal of virology. 2011 85:7081-94. [PubMed:21561915] [PMC:PMC3126608]
Adenovirus type 5 early region 1B 55K oncoprotein-dependent degradation of cellular factor Daxx is required for efficient transformation of primary rodent cells. Schreiner S, Wimmer P, Groitl P, Chen SY, Blanchette P, Branton PE, Dobner T. Journal of virology. 2011 85:8752-65. [PubMed:21697482] [PMC:PMC3165851]
Phosphorylation of polynucleotide kinase/ phosphatase by DNA-dependent protein kinase and ataxia-telangiectasia mutated regulates its association with sites of DNA damage. Zolner AE, Abdou I, Ye R, Mani RS, Fanta M, Yu Y, Douglas P, Tahbaz N, Fang S, Dobbs T, Wang C, Morrice N, Hendzel MJ, Weinfeld M, Lees-Miller SP. Nucleic acids research. 2011 39:9224-37. [PubMed:21824916] [PMC:PMC3241656]
NF-B regulates DNA double-strand break repair in conjunction with BRCA1-CtIP complexes. Volcic M, Karl S, Baumann B, Salles D, Daniel P, Fulda S, Wiesmller L. Nucleic acids research. 2012 40:181-95. [PubMed:21908405] [PMC:PMC3245919]
Functional connection between Rad51 and PML in homology-directed repair. Boichuk S, Hu L, Makielski K, Pandolfi PP, Gjoerup OV. PloS one. 2011 6:e25814. [PubMed:21998700] [PMC:PMC3187806]
Five dysfunctional telomeres predict onset of senescence in human cells. Kaul Z, Cesare AJ, Huschtscha LI, Neumann AA, Reddel RR. EMBO reports. 2012 13:52-9. [PubMed:22157895] [PMC:PMC3246253]
Lycopene inhibits Helicobacter pylori-induced ATM/ATR-dependent DNA damage response in gastric epithelial AGS cells. Jang SH, Lim JW, Morio T, Kim H. Free radical biology & medicine. 2012 52:607-15. [PubMed:22178412]
The human adenovirus type 5 E1B 55-kilodalton protein is phosphorylated by protein kinase CK2. Ching W, Dobner T, Koyuncu E. Journal of virology. 2012 86:2400-15. [PubMed:22190719] [PMC:PMC3302271]
A distinct response to endogenous DNA damage in the development of Nbs1-deficient cortical neurons. Li R, Yang YG, Gao Y, Wang ZQ, Tong WM. Cell Research. 2012 22:859-72. [PubMed:22212482] [PMC:PMC3343649]
Downregulation of Mdm2 and Mdm4 enhances viral gene expression during adenovirus infection. Yang H, Zheng Z, Zhao LY, Li Q, Liao D. Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 2012 11:582-93. (WB; Human) [PubMed:22262167] [PMC:PMC3315096]
Functional cooperation between human adenovirus type 5 early region 4, open reading frame 6 protein, and cellular homeobox protein HoxB7. Mller D, Schreiner S, Schmid M, Groitl P, Winkler M, Dobner T. Journal of virology. 2012 86:8296-308. (WB; Human) [PubMed:22553335] [PMC:PMC3421667]
p21 promotes error-free replication-coupled DNA double-strand break repair. Mauro M, Rego MA, Boisvert RA, Esashi F, Cavallo F, Jasin M, Howlett NG. Nucleic acids research. 2012 40:8348-60. (WB; Human) [PubMed:22735704] [PMC:PMC3458556]
Adenovirus regulates sumoylation of Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 components through a paralog-specific mechanism. Sohn SY, Hearing P. Journal of virology. 2012 86:9656-65. (ICC, WB; Human) [PubMed:22740413] [PMC:PMC3446602]
Chemical genetics reveals a specific requirement for Cdk2 activity in the DNA damage response and identifies Nbs1 as a Cdk2 substrate in human cells. Wohlbold L, Merrick KA, De S, Amat R, Kim JH, Larochelle S, Allen JJ, Zhang C, Shokat KM, Petrini JH, Fisher RP. PLoS genetics. 2012 8:e1002935. (WB, IP; Human) [PubMed:22927831] [PMC:PMC3426557]
Aurora kinase A inhibition-induced autophagy triggers drug resistance in breast cancer cells. Zou Z, Yuan Z, Zhang Q, Long Z, Chen J, Tang Z, Zhu Y, Chen S, Xu J, Yan M, Wang J, Liu Q. Autophagy. 2012 8:1798-810. [PubMed:23026799] [PMC:PMC3541289]
TIS21(/BTG2/PC3) accelerates the repair of DNA double strand breaks by enhancing Mre11 methylation and blocking damage signal transfer to the Chk2(T68)-p53(S20) pathway. Choi KS, Kim JY, Lim SK, Choi YW, Kim YH, Kang SY, Park TJ, Lim IK. DNA repair. 2012 11:965-75. (ICC, WB; Mouse, Human) [PubMed:23089312]
Identifying novel protein complexes in cancer cells using epitope-tagging of endogenous human genes and affinity-purification mass spectrometry. Song J, Hao Y, Du Z, Wang Z, Ewing RM. Journal of proteome research. 2012 11:5630-41. (WB; Human) [PubMed:23106643]
Nucleolin participates in DNA double-strand break-induced damage response through MDC1-dependent pathway. Kobayashi J, Fujimoto H, Sato J, Hayashi I, Burma S, Matsuura S, Chen DJ, Komatsu K. PloS one. 2012 7:e49245. (ICC, ChrIP; Human) [PubMed:23145133] [PMC:PMC3492271]
CBP and p300 histone acetyltransferases contribute to homologous recombination by transcriptionally activating the BRCA1 and RAD51 genes. Ogiwara H, Kohno T. PloS one. 2012 7:e52810. (WB; Human) [PubMed:23285190] [PMC:PMC3527616]
Virion assembly factories in the nucleus of polyomavirus-infected cells. Erickson KD, Bouchet-Marquis C, Heiser K, Szomolanyi-Tsuda E, Mishra R, Lamothe B, Hoenger A, Garcea RL. PLoS pathogens. 2012 8:e1002630. (IF; Mouse) [Full Text Article] [PubMed:22496654] [PMC:PMC3320610] Related Antibodies: LS-B1447.
DNA repair genes implicated in triple negative familial non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer predisposition. Ollier M, Radosevic-Robin N, Kwiatkowski F, Ponelle F, Viala S, Privat M, Uhrhammer N, Bernard-Gallon D, Penault-Llorca F, Bignon YJ, Bidet Y. American journal of cancer research. 2015 5:2113-26. (ICC, IHC; Human) [PubMed:26328243] [PMC:PMC4548324] Related Antibodies: LS-C53370.
Impaired cohesion and homologous recombination during replicative aging in budding yeast. Pal S, Postnikoff SD, Chavez M, Tyler JK. Science advances. 2018 February;4: (Yeast) [Full Text Article] [PubMed:29441364] [PMC:PMC5810620] Related Antibodies: LS-C155765.

☰ Filters
Proteins (6)
Over-Expression Lysate (2)
Recombinant (4)
MRE11A / MRE11 (6)
No (6)
GST (1)
His, N-Terminal (1)
His-GST (1)
Myc-DDK (Flag) (3)
Human (5)
293T Cells (1)
E. coli (2)
HEK 293 Cells (2)
Wheat Germ Extract (1)
Purified (1)
MRE11A / MRE11 Protein - 12.5% SDS-PAGE of human MRE11A stained with Coomassie Blue
Wheat Germ Extract
48.4 kDa
10 µg/$479; 25 µg/$670
HEK 293 Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
80.4 kDa
20 µg/$1,107
MRE11A / MRE11 Protein - Recombinant  Meiotic Recombination 11 Homolog A By SDS-PAGE
E. coli
56.8 kDa
10 µg/$281; 50 µg/$442; 100 µg/$705; 200 µg/$882; 1 mg/$1,989; 500 µg/$1,529; 5 mg/$3,081; 2 mg/$2,176
MRE11A / MRE11 Protein - Western validation with an anti-DDK antibody * L: Control HEK293 lysate R: Over-expression lysate
293T Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
80.4 kDa
20 µg/$150
MRE11A / MRE11 Protein - Western validation with an anti-DDK antibody * L: Control HEK293 lysate R: Over-expression lysate
HEK 293 Cells
Myc-DDK (Flag)
80.4 kDa
100 µg/$494
E. coli
His, N-Terminal
77.5 kDa
50 µg/$419
Viewing 1-6 of 6 product results

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Products: Proteins

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For RESEARCH USE ONLY. Intended for use by laboratory professionals. Not intended for human diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The data on this page has been compiled from LifeSpan internal sources, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).