Corporate Headquarters
Vector Laboratories, Inc.
6737 Mowry Ave
Newark, CA 94560
United States
Founded in 1994, BioChain is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area.
BioChain is the world leader in high quality processed bio-sample products and analysis services used in advancing translational medicine, companion diagnostics, and clinical product research and development. BioChain’s products are available for DNA and RNA sequencing, PCR and RT-PCR, gene expression analysis, DNA and RNA purification, protein extraction and purification, and protein expression analysis. BioChain’s One-Stop Services for Next Generation Sequencing, from clinical sample collection, sample preparation, sequencing to bioinformatics analysis, will revolutionize the industry.
In addition to a world-class bio-specimen and sample preparation line of business, BioChain is moving into the clinical applications that offer clinical genomics diagnostics products and clinical trial services in cancer and reproductive health. BioChain is committed to achieving the Highest Quality products and services at highly competitive prices through Continuous Process Improvement Initiatives. BioChain established a comprehensive quality assurance program to meet customers’ satisfactions as well as maintaining both ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2003 certifications for in house production facilities.
As a responsible player in the life science and healthcare product manufacturing and services industry, BioChain adheres to various regulations that govern their quality operations and processes. BioChain’s laboratory is compliant to the OSHA and BioSafety Level II standards. Its manufacturing facility is an ISO 9001:2015 quality system. Its sample collection and handling process conforms to GCP regulations with the IRB process and informed patient consent forms being required for each sample. BioChain is building the next level of compliance into its facilities and processes as it continues to move towards clinical diagnostic application development.
BioChain offers an extensive and unique collection of FFPE tissue sections, panels, and arrays from normal, diseased, and tumor tissue types. One of BioChain’s most valued asset is its large selection of hard-to-find diseased tissues, such as the matched pairs of tumor tissues (i.e. primary tumors matched with adjacent normal tissues or metastatic tumor tissues), which are invaluable tools for discovery research and diagnostic product development.
BioChain provides a spectrum of DNA products that are derived from various organ systems and tissues of the human body with different developmental stages and disease conditions, including hard-to-find samples. DNA materials extracted from different species of plants and animals are also available.
BioChain provides RNA products that are used for various genomic researches, such as gene expression, microarray, transcriptomics, and RNA sequencing. BioChain offers high quality and well-defined RNA products based on its unique tissue collection.
Formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue sections also known as paraffin tissue sections are an ideal way for rapidly determining the cellular localization of DNA, RNA, and protein markers. This is a pertinent step for investigating and validating biological targets and their relevance in diagnostics or drug development.
BioChain’s paraffin tissue sections have been meticulously selected and identified by a board licensed pathologist and are based on the sample repository network established by the IRB-approved ethical standard and procedures. Their paraffin tissue sections have been fixed in formalin after being excised, sectioned at 5 µm thickness, and mounted on positively charged glass slides. BioChain’s repository covers a wide variety of species and diseases including human (adult and fetal) normal tissues, human diseased and tumor tissues, as well as mouse, rat, and monkey tissues.
At least one of the tissue slides from each lot was stained with H & E to ensure its quality.
BioChain’s CancerSeq™ formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues are tumor tissues that have been prescreened extensively for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, and deletions (indels), and copy number variations (CNVs). Targeted Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), using cancer gene panels, was performed to identify mutations and mutational hotspots. These tissues are ideal for verification, genotyping, or identification of new mutational hotspots.
The advantage of using real tumor tissues versus genetically engineered tumor cell lines, is that the tissues are far more representative of real clinical disease. Cancer cell lines or genetically altered cell lines have been used widely for in vitro tumor models, but these possess only a small proportion of the genetic variances seen in tumor tissues. Actual tumors generally carry multiple mutations instead of just one or two. Numerous studies have pointed out the striking genetic differences between cell lines and tumor samples by comparing microarrays, copy number changes, mutations, and mRNA expression profiles 1-5.
Briefly, genomic DNA was extracted from the FFPE tissues and validated by targeted NGS with either Illumina’s TruSeq Amplicon - Cancer Panel (TSACP) or ArcherDX’s VariantPlex Solid Tumor Panel which include 48 or 67 cancer-related genes. Pre-screened tissues come with detailed information regarding donor and cancer type, as well as NGS information such as chromosomal position, variant type (SNP or indel), alternate allele variations, quality score, depth of coverage, allele type, transcript ID and more. BioChain offers the pre-screened tissue as mounted sections or curls.
BioChain’s human adult normal multiple tissue panels are designed for studying the tissue specific cellular localization of genes or proteins of interest in different human normal tissues. Tissues mounted on positively charged glass slides are organized either by organs (major organ multiple tissue panels), or by integrated major systems (organ systems multiple tissue panels).
As it can be expensive and time-consuming to perform histology tests on multiple cancerous and normal FFPE tissue array slides, BioChain produces a wide variety of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue arrays and tissue microarrays (TMAs). These are useful tools that can be used for the validation of biological targets, and evaluation of their potential clinical relevance in the development of diagnostics or therapeutics.
Each array or TMA contains dozens of tissue cores fixed to the same positively charged slide. These cores can come from a selection of normal tissues, or from a selection of pathologically relevant cancer tumors, of different stages, from multiple donors. In addition to human tissue products, some arrays and microarrays include cores from FFPE tissues harvested from the same organs from multiple species, or from multiple organs from the same non-human species.
BioChain’s FFPE tissue arrays allow for histological analyses of multiple cancerous tissues on a single slide, or in some cases two slides - saving time and preserving expensive reagents. They can also be used to study new protein, DNA and RNA markers, and disease related genes. Therefore, FFPE tissue arrays provide high-throughput platforms for the rapid investigation of biomarkers associated with oncology, diagnosis, and disease therapeutics.
At least one of the tissue slides from each lot was stained with H & E to ensure its quality.
[top]Complementary DNA (cDNA) is DNA synthesized from an RNA template. Total RNA isolation is performed by using modified guanidine thiocyanate techniques, which ensure consistency. BioChain’s Total RNA sources originate from a wide variety of human tissues such as: human adult and fetal normal tissues, human diseased and tumor tissues, as well as mouse, rat, monkey, and plant tissues.
After RNA isolation, first strand cDNA is synthesized with MMLV reverse transcriptase with low RNase H activity. BioChain’s cDNA can be directly used as a template for r polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or real-time PCR. It is also ideal for gene discovery or gene expression analysis.
BioChain carries the largest selection of tissue cDNA in the research market, which includes human cDNA and tumor cDNA.
Matched Pair cDNAs are first-strand cDNAs that have been generated from human tumors and the corresponding normal tissues of the same donor. BioChain offers Primary Pair (PP), as well as Primary and Metastatic Pair (PM) products. Primary Pair cDNAs are those that have been isolated from primary tumors and their adjacent unaffected normal tissue. Primary Metastatic Pair cDNAs have been isolated from primary tumors and their corresponding metastatic tumors. BioChain’s Matched Pair cDNA is prepared from premium RNA that is free of genomic DNA to ensure high quality. This product is a useful tool for accelerating gene expression analysis by identifying tumor-specific genes and tumor metastatic genes.
BioChain's genomic DNA gives researchers easy access to high quality material, isolated from a comprehensive, well-documented tissue bank. BioChain has been isolating genomic DNA for over 20 years and is expert at both purifying DNA from myriad tissue types and at sourcing high quality, well documented, accurately identified starting materials. BioChain’s genomic DNAs are ready to use for SNP analysis, DNA methylation studies, copy number variation (CNV) analysis, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), Southern Blotting, next generation sequencing, and PCR.
BioChain’s genomic DNA comes from many different sources, including over 100 different human normal tissues, as well as samples from diseased organs and tumors. BioChain also offers mouse, rat, monkey, and plant materials.
BioChain's human genomic DNA matched pair products include: Primary Pairs (PP) and Primary and Metastatic Pairs (PM). PP consists of genomic DNAs isolated from a primary tumor and its adjacent normal tissue, while PM consists of genomic DNAs from a primary tumor and its corresponding metastatic tumor. Genomic DNAs in each pair are prepared from the same donor. This product line is designed for identifying tumor-specific genes and tumor metastatic genes.
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is vital to the functioning of life. It is present in every cell in the body and has nearly limitless functions – from carrying genetic information, to the production of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). RNA extraction is a process that must be handled with care due to the volatile presence of RNases. It is one of the most fragile and delicate samples to extract. RNases, which digest RNA upon contact, are present nearly everywhere, such as in water, skin, and sometimes even the researcher’s breath.
BioChain uses proprietary isolation techniques to efficiently extract total RNA from tissues and cell lines, including difficult sample types such as cartilage. BioChain’s methods protect the RNA as it is being isolated and stored, so researchers can expect the highest quality possible for each sample type, with maximum downstream applications. Contamination by RNase, genomic DNA polysaccharides, and proteoglycans are effectively eliminated using its methods. For example, RIN values of >8* are achievable using BioChain’s extraction protocol. These extraction techniques have also been optimized to collect RNA of a wide array of sizes, including small RNAs such as miRNA, siRNA, snRNA, and piRNA. These small RNAs have become of great interest in cancer research due to their ability to regulate gene expression.
BioChain has a comprehensive collection of normal, diseased, and tumor tissues from a wide variety of species. Tissues come with detailed demographic and health information such as clinical diagnosis and age, and gel photos of the total RNA are included in datasheets. RIN scores are also frequently listed so you can be certain of your starting material when you begin a new project.
Total RNA is available frozen and is shipped on dry ice. For international customers, BioChain also offers room temperature RNA, which is merely total RNA that has been specially treated to be stable at ambient temperatures. Upon reconstitution, the product will be ready-to-use as total RNA.
*RIN values dependent on sample type.
Total RNA goes through rigorous quality control procedures to ensure the highest quality possible. The integrity of the total RNAs is confirmed by checking for a ratio of greater than 1:1 between 28s and 18s ribosomal RNA. BioChain provides consistent proof of the highest quality total RNA products. Its proprietary protocol result in products of high RIN value (Figure 1), and this can also be visualized using gel electrophoresis (Figure 2).
BioChain’s Universal RNAs have been specifically designed for use as a reference for microarray gene-profiling studies and other functional analyses. Universal RNAs are Total RNA controls derived from whole tissues sources. BioChain pools extracted Total RNA from a collection of high-quality regional tissue sources in order to provide the broadest coverage of genes. Its Universal RNA is also systematically prepared on an industrial scale to minimize lot-to-lot variation and insure the highest quality RNA. By using pooled RNA from whole tissues, one can get better gene representation, homogenous signal intensities across all genes, stable expression profiles, and high reproducibility between different lots.
Universal RNA enables the researcher to streamline their research projects by easily comparing microarray or real-time PCR data from different experiments. Universal Reference RNA is a prime avenue for constructing gene expression databases and for comparison of expression profiles from different tissues or cell lines.
BioChain’s Matched Pair Total RNAs have been generated from human tumors and the corresponding normal tissues from the same donor. BioChain offers Primary Pair (PP), as well as Primary and Metastatic Pair (PM) products. Primary Pair Total RNAs are those that have been isolated from primary tumors and their adjacent unaffected normal tissue. Primary Metastatic Pair Total RNAs have been isolated from primary tumors and their corresponding metastatic tumors. Total RNA is isolated by modified guanidine thiocyanate techniques and stored in RNA storage buffer. This product is a useful tool for accelerating gene expression analysis by identifying tumor-specific genes and tumor metastatic genes.